Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ok Already!

I know, I know, I need to keep up with this!  I promise I am trying but I am failing miserably:(  For some reason I just can't find the time to sit down with the computer and write even a little update.  Could be I don't like writing or that I would rather be sewing:)

The last week and a half has been a roller coaster of emotions for our family.  Probably doesn't help that  I have these wonderful pregnancy hormones hanging out in my body!  Last Sunday night we had a little scare with our youngest child and ended up in urgent care and ultimately at the Children's Hospital for the night.  I noticed bruises popping up on her legs, lots of little bruises and not in places were I would expect to see them on a 2 year old.  It ended up that she has Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) in which her body started attacking her platelets like they were a foreign body.  She had an IV treatment of antibodies which helped her spleen stop attacking the platelets early Monday morning and was able to go home Monday afternoon.  We have 6 months of follow-up blood checks but it is something that will go away on its own and should not affect her anymore.  Such a blessing!

After that was finally over we found out on Monday that my husband's grandmother had passed away. She had lived with my husband and his parents for many years so a huge loss to the family.  I am grateful that I got to know her and see her as much as we did.

Finally, on Monday we took our black lab to the vet as she had had loose stools all weekend.  Deep down I knew she has not been feeling the best but I was trying to ignore it.  We found out she has a grapefruit sized tumor in her abdomen. The tumor is taking her nutrients and slowly taking away her muscle mass.  We are lucky she has been so healthy in her 11 years and we will continue to do what we can to keep her comfortable and happy.

Between all this the pregnancy has not been high on my mind:(  I am feeling good and trucking along.  The baby is moving a lot more now which catches me off guard sometimes.  I don't forget that I am pregnant but I am not completely obsessed with every little movement like I was when it was my child. I am still feeling the detachment that I have had throughout this pregnancy.  Last night it did feel as though the baby was trying to kick her way out of my belly!

My weight has started to creep up a bit but I have to attribute that to the excessive sweets I ate the last couple of weeks.  I have tried to keep that in check lately so I am hoping the weight gain slows down!  I have been keeping up my 4-5 days a week of exercise which always keeps me a little happier:)

16.5 weeks to go! 

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