Friday, June 29, 2012

What a day!

Today was the coveted day of the first ultrasound.  I have been very anxious about this day as it answers the last big question I have many of the 2 blastids that they transferred were able to survive.   While I was not totally against having twins, I was concerned about what it would mean for delivery day.  As most of my friends know, I have a huge fear of the epidural and an even larger fear of a c-section.  I know that complications can happen with one or two babies but are more common with two.

So, after leaving at 6:30 this morning for our 9:30 appointment I arrived with plenty of butterflies in my stomach.  Of course we had to wait more today then ever before and they did not take us back till 10:10.  Then, to make matters worse, they did not tell me till AFTER I went to the bathroom that I had to have a full bladder!!  So, I chugged about 50 oz of water and 20 mins later they were able to do the ultrasound.  I saw the image come up and could see a little bambino in the amniotic sac.  The Dr did not say anything so had to ask, "is it just one?"  The answer was YES!!  Whew, what a weight lifted off my shoulders!   That was about all to the appointment and at 11 I was on the road back home.  Good bye Raleigh, I will not miss your apppointments!

Driving home I began to feel a little selfish in my response to only one baby.  I know the intended parents only wanted one but I also know they would have been ok with two.  I just pray I did not upset them with my excitement.  But, in all this I have to think about my health and my ablity to care for my kids while pregant and having a singleton will help to keep me at my daily activities.

More good news came today when they confirmed I get to stop the patches and progesterone shots on Sunday.  I couldn't be more excited for the 10 week period then I will be on Sunday when my poor bottom will get a rest and return to normal:)

31 weeks to go!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Trucking along

I know it has been a few weeks since I have written, but not much has been going on.  My biggest struggle is to just make it through the day.  I finally had to give in to my need for naps!  Severe exhaustion is my biggest pregnancy symptom.  I did realize one day that this is the first first trimester that I have been home with the kids verses working mainly behind a desk so I am going to blame it on that!

I just spent the last week with my family up in Ohio and it was great to see everyone and to finally hear family members that were supportive of the decision I have made to become a surrogate.  Unfortunately my immediate family's lack of support has been the biggest disappointment in this whole process.  I can only hope that one day they will come around and see the good that I am doing for someone else.

I have the ultrasound this week (on Friday) so I am looking forward to seeing how many are there...and crossing my fingers it is just one!

31 weeks to go!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


All I can say for this 6 th week is tired. I am able to get up and get my workouts in but by 4 o'clock I am dragging. I do get a little nauseous when I am hungry but nothing that bothers me too much.

Things have been how I expected with the intended parents. I hear from them 1-2 times a week but I am able to go about this pregnancy pretty much how I would want.

Besides the physical reminders I forget I am pregnant. There is absolutely no attachment to the baby growing inside me...I wonder if I will get the urge to nest!