I guess I should go ahead and write this post first to keep everything in line. Last Wednesday I had my 37 week appointment. It was pretty uneventful as appointments go (or have gone recently!) My midwife offered to check me to see if I have progressed at all so decided to take her up on it. I have been having a lot of braxton hicks in the days before and we interested in seeing where I stood...yes, I know that dilation or no-dilation does not indicate when someone will go into labor. Even though, I was excited to hear that I was 3 cm and a little thinned out. The rest of the appointment was pretty standard, heartbeat sounded good and measuring 36 weeks. My strep B test was negative which is a positive too. Having Strep B does not make it so you can't deliver at the birth center but there are a few more complications regarding getting the antibiotics in and also when the baby would need to be seen at the pediatrician's office.
I think that the intended parents still have some distrust for me, not sure why, as I would not have done this without the best intentions in mind. Who would subject themselves to 9 months of heck on their body if they did not believe in the reason they were doing it??
2.5 weeks to go!
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