Monday, July 30, 2012

Working it out

It has been a week full of emails and back and forth but I think that we are close to coming up with what will work with our 2 families for the prenatal appointments the rest of this pregnancy.  I hate that we had to have these discussions but hopefully it will help us as we move on. I will be able to go into the appointments alone and then they will join us after all my vitals are taken.  I will share the important vitals with them (weight, blood pressure) but it will at least give me a sense of some privacy.

I was surprised when last Thursday I got a call from the midwife's office telling me I had an UTI.  I have never had one before and did not have the classic symptoms to alert me that there was something going on.  Yes, I have been peeing a whole bunch but show me a pregnant woman who is not in the bathroom all the time.  I did think it was crazy that I had to go to the bathroom 2-3 times a night but just attributed it to all the water I drink these days!  I was prescribed an antibiotic but at the request of the intended parents I have been trying D-mannose instead.  D-mannose is a herbal supplement that is naturally occurring in your body so it is not harmful to take and has no major side effects.  The bacteria attach to the d-mannose and then are excreted with the urine.  I have been taking it since Friday and I am seeing some improvement in the frequency of my bathroom trips but wish I had a way of knowing if the bacteria was all gone or not.  I will run out of the bottle in a day or two so will just keep it up till then.

I  am feeling great and seem to have passed the tired stage.  I still get tired but my daily naps are no longer required.  Maybe I can not stop neglecting my house and sewing!  So far I have gone up and down on my weight each week but am right about at my starting weight.  I am not dieting but also not craving my nightly cup of ice cream (even though I want to eat it I just can't make myself!) which I can only assume is a good thing...maybe I won't crave that routine after another month or two!

26 weeks to go!

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