Thursday, July 19, 2012

Back to the Ob, finally!

After being released from the fertility clinic 2 weeks ago, today was the first visit with my midwife.  I had mixed emotions about today as I was not sure how the appointments were going to go with 2 extra people involved.  During my other pregnancies it was usually me by myself at the appointments with my husband only coming to the main ultrasound appointment.

I switched from a normal ob to a midwife after my first delivery.  My second delivery was with a wonderful midwife whom I had heard so many wonderful things about.  She was great during the birth staying with me throughout labor instead of only coming in to catch the baby, and it was refreshing to see the same person at each of my visits and then to have that same person deliver my baby.  Shortly after my second delivery this midwife left private practice and went to work for a health clinic.  When I found out that I was pregnant for the 3rd time I was relieved to learn that the midwife had gone back into private practice part time and was accepting 4 due dates per month....we were in!  Another great birth with the help of a wonderful midwife. 

Fast forward 2 years and here we are again with more changes.  My midwife is now back in practice full time and has opened a birthing center in Statesville.  It was a decision to be made whether I continue to follow her or find someone new that is closer to home and a little more convenient to get to for my prenatal appointments.  I pondered a little what I wanted to do and came to the decision to follow her yet again and go with who I am comfortable with verses who is more convenient.  So, this will be my 4th delivery at 4 different hospitals/centers in 4 different cities!!

One of my concerns with the OB appointments is whether I would get any time with my midwife by myself to discuss anything in private.  But, I called on my way up there this morning and asked them if I could have a brief moment alone with the midwife.  It worked out fine and I was able to get the time I needed.  The intended parents and I are both struggling to find our place in this process.  I went into today's appointment thinking that this is my doctor and my body, rightfully they think this is their baby so should be a part of the whole process and all information.  I know we both have to adjust our thinking but hopefully we have a better feel of the process after today's appointment.

Our visit was very through and the intended parents even got to have another ultrasound.  After hearing the heartbeat on the doppler they did the ultrasound and it was amazing to see how much the baby has grown in the last 3 weeks.  It was hard to get a good visual of the baby last time but today we got to see everything so clear even seeing the backbone and vertebrae.  This baby was also a mover and shaker, he did not stop tossing and turning the whole 10 minutes of the ultrasound!

Another unknown was whether the birth center would be covered by my insurance and if it would be an option for this birth due to cost.  After touring the center and speaking to the midwife it looks like we will be heading towards a birth center birth!!  The center has 2 birthing rooms each with a queen bed and a big tub.  One of the best things about the birthing center is that you usually leave 4-6 hours after birth.  This resolves a lot of my questions regarding how we would work things after the birth...Would they get their own room with the baby?  Would they have to spend the night in my room?   Most likely I can get my insurance to cover the birth center birth but even if not, a birth there without insurance costs as much as a birth at a hospital with insurance so to me it is a no-brainer!

I am finishing up my 12th week and feeling pretty good.  I am still tired but I am finding that I am able to survive without my naps more and more lately.  I have only gained a little over a pound (which is normal for the first trimester) since the start of the pregnancy so feeling pretty good going into the second trimester where I know I will start to gain the pregnancy weight.  I am not showing yet but definitely getting a tummy bulge.  This is the time I don't like (especially in the summer where I am in bathing suits around my neighbors, they must think I am getting fat and lazy!) between normal belly and definite preggo belly.  

I am grateful to get this first appointment over with and to feel like the pregnancy is progressing and to be back on familiar ground again.

27.5 weeks to go:)

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