I was informed this week that I needed to update the blog, I figured I would heed her suggestion and give a quick update.
The baby was born almost 10 weeks ago, I can not believe it has been so long! My recovery went very well, I am guessing it was helped by not being sleep deprived. There is something to be said to being able to sleep all night immediately after having a baby:)
Physically it took me about 2 weeks to get feeling back to normal and another week or two to be able to go pad-free (sorry if TMI!). I pumped full time for a week then took another 2 weeks to drop back the pumpings so I was able to get rid of my milk fairly pain free. I did not mind the pumping once it was my milk was in but could not keep going since I had to be completely dry by the time we went to Disney.
Speaking of Disney, we went on February 9 (4 weeks post baby) and could not have had a better time. I felt great and was not affected at all that I had just had a baby. The kids had a great time too and we made so many memories:) One of the better things about the trip is that I was able to wear shorts as I only had one pair of jeans that fit post baby!
Since the birth I have not had much contact with the intended parents. The first few weeks I saw them every couple of days as they came by to pick up milk, but since then we have not talked much. I am facebook friends with them so that has enabled me to see pictures and video of Natalie. I can see the love they have for this little girl which makes me feel good. I got a birth announcement from them so will try to get it uploaded here.
I do think about Natalie often and will hopefully be able to work out a time to go and see them. I haven't seen her since the delivery and I would just like to hold her and spend a little time with the little girl that lived inside me for 9 months.
My goal currently is to finally get back to my "normal" weight. I would like to get back to where I was after my first two births and will do it by the summer. I have never counted calories or really watched what I ate, but I am trying to do so now. I am down 7 pounds since we got back from Disney and I have another 7-10 to go to be where I want. I can now wear 2 pairs of jeans but they are getting looser by the day so I have faith I will be where I want to be before too long.
A year from now I would like to complete an Ironman triathlon so I am anxiously looking forward to the challenge that the race will bring. In addition to the challenge I am looking forward to the chance to do something for myself and get my body back after giving it to my kids for the better part of 7 years. I might be crazy but I can't have life too boring;)
Thanks again to everyone for caring enough and taking the time to read this blog!
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