The HCG results from my second draw yesterday were right were they wanted them to be. For the number to double it needed to be at 316 and it was somewhere around 360. Still anyone's guess whether it is one or two, only the ultrasound will be able to definitely tell us that.
The ultrasound will either be at 7 weeks (via an internal ultrasound, which for those of you who have not been privy to having one, it looks like a big dildo!) or at around 10 weeks using the wand on the stomach. The intended mother had a miscarriage within hours of seeing a heart beat with an internal ultrasound so she is not very interested in having one and to risk the same happening. Of course the clinic wants us to do it but I will do whatever.
I am big on watching my weight with each of my pregnancies and am starting this one about 10 pounds heavier then my other 3, yikes! I think that some of my weight gain might be from the drugs because in the week since I found out I have lost 1.5 pounds...and that was without working out. I don't want to gain too much since I don't have the breastfeeding to help rid myself of the weight after!
I am 4 weeks, 4 days.
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