Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

I can't believe how fast time is flying, the end of this pregnancy will be here before I know it!  I have survived the last 3 weeks with my daughter's 4th birthday, my son's 6th birthday and Thanksgiving.  Busy times and all those birthdays mean lots of cake around this house:(  I enjoy making the cake and really like eating it but I have been on cake overload and I am glad the last morsel was eaten today.  Now maybe I can keep my weight in check the last weeks of this pregnancy...cake always does a number on me!

We had a good Thanksgiving which started with a family dinner on Wednesday night with my mom's family.  We ended up with around 37 people for dinner, all my immediate family (cousins, aunts, uncles and their little people.)  I am blessed with the large family we have!

Thursday we took things slow in the morning before heading up to Galax, VA to spend the holiday with my in laws.  It is always quiet up there as it was just the 5 of us and them but a good time anyway. We were able to go and cut down our Christmas trees which is an annual tradition when we go up there for Thanksgiving each year.  Saturday after bringing the girls back to Charlotte, my son, husband and I went to Raleigh for the NCSU game.  We had fun despite the chill in the air when the sun went down.  I was even allotted a trip to Chapel Hill to get some stickers for my car and for dinner.  Sad as it is, I have only been there 2 times since I graduated 11 years ago:(

We are starting our Christmas decorating today, but I have been left to do it by myself which is not as much fun so it is a slow process...the things that will get me writing my blog instead!

As for the pregnancy, I am feeling pretty good.  My Braxton hicks are starting to pick up so I am trying to take it easy, at least until my OB visit this week.  They don't hurt but I feel the tightening and sometimes a few per hour so something that keeps me thinking about it.  I have done pretty well keeping the weight gain to a pound per week, some weeks might be 2 pounds but then I hold steady the next.  Too bad I am heaver now then with any of the other kids...but March 1st will start my extreme fitness makeover to get back in shape so I can let my body do what it needs to now!

I can't believe that I am in the single digit countdown now!  Only 9 weeks to go...even though that still sounds like an eternity, I know it will continue to fly by!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Welcome 3rd Trimester!

It is official. I am in the 3rd trimester.  I am still feeling great but starting to get to the "uncomfortable" stage.  And to be honest, it is not so much uncomfortable but more the fact that I am losing the ability to bend over so well and now have the feeling that the baby is in my chest cavity (which she probably is!)

We had another appointment last Thursday and it went very fast and smooth, even with the dreaded glucose test.  My office is a no news is good news kinda place and I have not heard that I have failed so I can only assume that all is good news:)

I did bring up the need to come up with a "birth" day plan.  I feel like I am a pretty flexible person and we have done a lot to work with the intended parents but having another man, besides my husband, watch me give birth is not something that I think I can be flexible with!  I saw the pools in the labor rooms when I did the tours but never put much thought into using them during my labor. but my midwife said that 90% of the moms give birth that way.  I figured that I have had 3 births without water I can do another without but now I am thinking I should take this opportunity and see what all the fuss is about:)  Laboring and birthing in the pool might also enable me to feel more comfortable with the intended father being in the room since I will be hidden in the water.  The midwife said that even sitting next to the pool that she can't see anything in the water...and he would be nowhere close to the pool!  Such things to think about and decide!!

Since my last post we had to say good-bye to our sweet dog Dakota.  It was a tough day but something that needed to be done for her comfort.  We were lucky to have her in our family as she was such a wonderful dog to us and especially the kids.  I could not have asked for a better family dog!

Happy 4th Birthday to my sweet little girl!  How fast they grow up:(

10.5 weeks to go:)